Writing For The Media – Haller Enterprises

Writing for the media requires skills that extend writing to include timing, an understanding of media needs, and a good story to tell. Haller Enterprises, a regional plumbing, electrical, and heating and cooling contractor partnered with a new service called Home X sm Remote Assist. Remote Assist is a ‘virtual doctors visit’ for a homeowners’ plumbing, electrical, or heating and cooling system via a video link. Each appointment is led by a trained and certified technician who provides direction and insight into resolving issues with the systems.
Haller Enterprises engaged with Atlas Marketing to earn media coverage, pitch story angles to local and regional media outlets, and develop unique story opportunities. The launch of this innovative service offering came amidst the global pandemic brought on by COVID-19. As many homeowners – and contractors for that matter – were anxious to allow strangers into their homes, Remote Assist provided an excellent alternative to remaining comfortable at home.
Atlas Marketing developed multiple story angles based on various approaches including technology, family safety and comfort, business, and the expertise of Haller’s trained and certified technicians. In support of these stories, Atlas Marketing also created various graphics to showcase use cases and a checklist to prepare for seasonal changes. Media coverage remained locally focused with editors and reporters sharing the graphics along with brief stories showcasing a business that proactively responded to the pandemic.
Writing support
Below are links to various news releases and graphics that support the Haller/Remote Assist story.
Gear Up for Cooler Temps with a Fall Maintenance Checklist from Haller Enterprises
Video Chat Your Way to Cooler Temperatures
Writing does not always mean providing words in the traditional sense. Creating graphics to tell the story is helpful, too. Click the images below to see a larger version of the graphic.